Saturday, April 30

May Day Preparations

Gathering local flora for our May baskets.

Using plastic cups like last year. I melted holes for the ribbon to thread through using a wood-burning tool.

We're ready to sneak these over to our neighbors' homes as soon as dusk falls!
Happy May Day!

Friday, April 29

May Faire at the Waldorf School

We gathered rhodos, peonies and vinca to share at this year's May Faire.

We used some of our flowers to make garlands to wear.

Toucie welcomes the May Queen with a bouquet from home.

I think these are the children from grade 2..they sang so sweetly :)

3rd graders dancing

4th graders...what a web they've woven!

I love this sword dance that the 6th graders traditionally do.

Raising the "jester" aloft on their wooden swords!

Morris dancers

Toucie finally has a dance around the Maypole

I love this is one of our favorite family traditions

Monday, April 25


"easter bonnet"

Daddy likes to do these bright dyed eggs

Mama and Toucie tried some eggs dyed with onion skins

pretty golden eggs!

We threw some yarn in to make the most of the leftover dye

Hmmmm...why not?!

Onion skin dye...the darker yarn was soaked longer

Oooh! pretty variegation from the commercial egg dyes

Visiting family for an egg hunt

Naya and Sodie too worn out from college life to hunt eggs

Mmmm...beet greens for supper

Salad and pizza, too (carmelized onions and kalamata olives)

Bunny bread :)

Saturday, April 23

Thursday, April 21

Toucie turns 6!

Today is Toucie's special day...she's been 6 times 'round the sun!

Toucie's request for birthday dinner?
Pancakes and bacon!

A stop by the pet store for a special birthday gift!

Meet Chervil, a Dwarf Hamster

Chervil all settled into his new "habitat"

Yummy chocolate cake recipe here.

Mama-made cake, Toucie-made placecards, and Mado-made octopus

Happy Birthday, little one!
I'm glad you are here.

Stay tuned for a special birthday celebration at the local strawberry farm :)